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Competition of live demonstrations regarding emerging information-display technologies, such as not-yet-commercialized prototypes and proof of concepts.

Individual Honors and Awards

The SID Board of Directors, based on recommendations made by the Honors & Awards Committee, grants several annual awards based upon outstanding achievements and significant contributions. Information regarding nominations as well as past recipients of the awards is available at the link above.

Display Industry Awards

Each year, SID bestows awards in three categories: Display of the Year, Display Application of the Year, and Display  Component of the Year.

Best in Show Awards

The Society for Information Display highlights the most significant new products and technologies shown on the exhibit floor during Display Week.

Journal of the Society for Information Display (JSID) Outstanding Student Paper of the Year Award

Each year a sub-committee of the Editorial Board of JSID selects one paper for this award which consists of a plaque and a $1000 prize.   This award is generously sponsored by LG Display.

Congratulatory letter to SID from the Emmy Awards organization, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences 

Award Nomination  Guildeliness and Nominees