Journal of SID

SID's monthly journal, JSID, publishes original works dealing with the theory and practice of  electronic information displays. Coverage includes the underlying chemistry, physics, electronic engineering, device design, and modeling; physiology and psychology; measurement techniques; as well as all aspects of the interaction between equipment and its users. In addition to full length papers, reviews, overviews, letters, and book reviews are also included.

  • Active-Matrix Devices and Displays
  • Applied Vision and Human factors
  • Backlighting and Solid State Lighting Technologies
  • Display Electronics
  • Display Manufacturing Technologies
  • Display Measurements
  • Display Systems; Optical and Electronic
  • Electronic Paper and Flexible Displays
  • Liquid Crystal and other Non-emissive Displays
  • Organic Light Emitting Devices and Displays
  • Plasma and other Emissive Displays
  • Projection Displays and Systems
 Please refer to the John Wiley & Sons website for subscription pricing.

JSID Best Paper Awards

Jyrki Kimmel

2015: Jyrki Kimmel of Nokia Technologiesfor for Optical performance characterization of flexible mobile displays

2014: Shohei Katsuta,Emi Yamamoto, Yasushi Asaoka, Toru Kanno, Hideomi Yui, Yusuke Tsuda, Katsumi Kondo and Tsuyoshi Maeda of Sharp Corp for Optical design and roll-to-roll fabrication process of microstructure film for wide viewing LCDs

2013: Jong-Man Kim, Youngmin Cho, Jonghin Kim, Seung-Hyuck Lee, Kwangjoon Kim, Seung-Woo Lee of Kyung Hee University for Precise Prediction of Optical Responses of All Types of Liquid-Crystal Displays by Behavioral Models

2012: John F. Wager, Ken Hoshino, Eric S. Sundholm, Rick E. Presley, Ram Ravichandran, Christopher C. Knutson, Douglas A. Keszler, Randy L. Hoffman, Devin A. Mourey, John Robertson, for A framework for assessing amorphous oxide semiconductor thin-film transistor passivation

2011: Toshiaki Arai, Narihiro Morosawa,Kazuhiko Tokunaga, Yasuhiro Terai, Eri Fukumoto, Takashige Fujimori and Tatsuya Sasaoka, for Highly reliable oxide-semiconductor TFT for AMOLED displays

2010:Te-Yu Lee, Chrong Jung Lin andYa-Chin King, for High-uniformity 2T1C AMOLED panels by a built-in trimming method


Generously sponsored by LG Display

Simone Hoeckh

2015: Simone Hoeckh, Annette Frederiksen, Sylvain Renault, Klaus Hopf, Michael Gilowski, Martin Schell for Exploring crosstalk perception for stereoscopic 3D head-up displays in a crosstalk Simulator


2014:Jing Wang,Saijun Huang,Chaoping Cheng, Yikai Su, Zhicheng Ye, Jiangang Lu, Gufeng He, Xindong Shi, Xinkai Wu and Jun Liu of Shanghai Jiao Tong University for High-efficiency organic light-emitting diodes based on the gradient doping and nonlinear cross-fading doping in transporting layers

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JSID Features:

EarlyView: See papers as soon as they are accepted, and before they are collected into issues

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• Google Scholar and Web of Science Integration: In addition to expanded search capability through Google Scholar, JSID now works with paper management systems such as Endnote/EndnoteWeb, Mendeley, Papers, Refworks, and Zotero.

• The SID proceedings are available from the JSID page (and vice-versa), and share the same alert, indexing, and cross-referencing features.

• Access JSID right after you log into the SID website by clicking on the journal name or opening the journal in another tab while leaving your original browser tab open in the SID site:

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