Student Information

SID has a rich tradition of student members, starting from our founding by students, professors, and industry luminaries in 1962 at the University of California, Los Angeles. Like other members, student members receive online access to the Journal of SID, the Display Week Digest of Technical Papers, and SID's webinar archives.

For students looking for an engaging career in an industry with solid employment prospects, look no further than information display. This diverse field serves consumer, industry, medical, and research applications, involving research and engineering development in multiple fields: material science, chemistry, electronic engineering, physics, and more. As a major industrial segment, the industry also attracts business professionals, from product managers and marketers eager to stay on the bleeding edge of tech trends to angel investors looking to capitalize on strategic start ups. Those who stay in the know are best able to find the jobs and enjoy handling the research and developing and commercializing the new products of tomorrow. As the society with the top researchers in this area, SID helps provide you a competitive career advantage via knowledge and networking.

Student Information

Student memberships are only $5 per year. Please note student memberships are only for full-time students who are not employed; is not intended for corporate executives, CTO's, and postdocs. As such, a scan of a valid student ID is required. Key differences between students and regular members are that students cannot vote in SID's election, and do not receive a hard copy of Information Display magazine.

Students can join any chapter they wish, either a normal chapter or a student branch of a chapter. Please refer to the chapters link above to see the available chapters for your region, or click here for information on forming a new chapter. New chapters and student branches are supported with books and $1000 seed money.

Some chapters such as Mid-Europe have their own student award-check with your local chapter to see if they have one

Student chapters, as with normal chapters, have free access to SID's infrastructure for website hosting and webcasting webinars

Student travel grants for Display Week: A limited number of student travel grants, up to $1000 each, will be made available to student presenters of accepted papers. A student travel grant must be requested upon submission of abstracts by checking off the appropriate box on the online submission site. A questionnaire will automatically be generated. Please complete the questionnaire and email it to Ronnie Stephenson at Only the students who complete and return the questionnaire will be eligible to receive a student travel grant.

The Journal of SID has an annual student paper award for the most outstanding student paper