Abhishek Kumar Srivastava Assistant Professor Electronics and Computer Engineering Department Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Email: editor@sid.org
David Hoffman Google Email: hoffmandavid@google.com
Yan Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University Email: yan.li@sjtu.edu.cn
Dr. Pengda Hong Lehigh University Email: pengdah@gmail.com
Qiong-Hua Wang Beihang University, Beijing, China Email: qionghua@buaa.edu.cn
Zong Qin Sun Yat-Sen University
Email: qinzong@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Yongtaek Hong Seoul National University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Kwanakroh 599, Kwanakgu Seoul 151-744, Korea Phone: +82 2 880 9567 Fax: +82 2 872 9714 Email: yongtaek@snu.ac.kr
Prof. Chuan Liu Sun Yat-sen University School of Electronic and Information Technology China Email: liuchuan5@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Jiun-Haw Lee National Taiwan University
Email: jiunhawlee@ntu.edu.tw
Norbert Fruehauf Stuttgart University Allmandring 3b Stuttgart, Germany 70569 Tel: +4971168566922 Email: norbert.fruehauf@igm.uni-stuttgart.de
Tian Xiao Next Biometrics Inc. Email: txiao75@hotmail.com
Jyrki Kimmel Nokia Bell Laboratory Tampere, Finland Email: jyrki.kimmel@nokia-bell-labs.com
Achintya Bhowmik Chief Technology Officer & Executive Vice President of Engineering Starkey Hearing Technologies Email: achintya.k.bhowmik@gmail.com
John Kymissis Columbia University 500 W 120th Street, New York, NY 10027-6623 Email: johnkym@ee.columbia.edu
Haruhiko Okumura Toshiba Corp. Corporate R&D Center Media AI Laboratory 1 Komukai, Toshiba-cho Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki Kanagawa 212-8582, Japan Tel: +81-4-4549-2440 Fax: +81-4-4549-2444 Email: haruhiko.okumura@toshiba.co.jp
Jin Jang Head, TFT-LCD National Lab, Kyung Hee University Dongdaemoon-ku, Seoul, 130-701, Korea Tel: +82-2-961-0270 Email: jjang@khu.ac.kr
Wen-yi Lin Darwin Precisions Corporation 1 Jhongke Road, Central Taiwan Science Park, Taichung, 40763, Taiwan Tel: 886-4-2460-8899 Extension: 1215 Email: ct06029@hotmail.com
Dr. Dirk Hertel E Ink Corporation 1000 Technology Park Drive Billerica, MA 01821 Email: dhertel@eink.com
Youn Jin Apple Email: kim_yj@apple.com
Herbert De Smet Centre for Microsystems Technology University of Gent Technologiepark 914, 9052 Gent, Belgium Tel: +32(0)9 264 53 63 Email: Herbert.DeSmet@elis.UGent.be
John Kymissis Columbia University 500 W 120th Street Room 1301 New York, NY 10027-6623 USA Tel:(212) 854-4023 Email: johnkym@ee.columbia.edu
Bo-Ru (Paul) Yang Sun Yat-Sen University 135 Xingangxi road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 510275 Tel: +86-18613135679 (CN) Tel: +886-928018147 (TW) Email: paulyang68@me.com
Gabriel Marcu Apple Computer 1 Infinite Loop, MS 305-1DE Cupertino, CA 95014-2083, USA Email: marcu@apple.com
Ji Ma Microsoft Corp. One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA, 98052 Tel:+1-425-706-0751 Email: jma2@kent.edu
Vladimir Chigrinov Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Dept of EE Clear Water Bay, Kowloon 190, Hong Kong Tel: +852-2358-8522 Fax: +852-2358-1485 Fax: +1-330-672-2796 Email: eechigr@ust.hk
Zhibing Ge Apple Inc. Flat Panel Displays Department 20400 Marian Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014, USA Tel: +1-408-862-2892 Email: Zhibing@apple.com
Dr. Abhishek Srivastava Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: +852-34692485 Email: eeabhishek@ust.hk
Shoichi Ishihara Osaka Institute of Technology Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Systems En 5-16-1 Ohmiya, Asahi-ku Osaka, Japan 535-8585 Tel: +81-6-6954-0970 Email: shoichi.ishihara@oit.ac.jp
Liang-Chy Chien Kent State University Liquid Crystal Institute 1425 University Esplanade Kent, OH 44242-0001 Email: lchien@kent.edu
Yan Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University Department of Electronic Enginering 800 Dongchuan Road Shanghai, China 200240 Tel: +86 21-34207644 Email: yan.li@sjtu.edu.cn
Chuan Liu Sun Yat-sen University School of Electronic and Information Technology China Email: liuchuan5@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Junsheng Yu School of Optoelectronic Information University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu, 610054, P. R. China Tel: 86-28-83206123 Email: jsyu@uestc.edu.cn
Denis Kondakov DuPont Co. 17125 Norway Hts Kendall, NY 14476-9781 Tel: +1-302-99-2902 Email: denis.kondakov@usa.dupont.com
Ian Underwood School of Engineering The University of Edinburgh Tel: + 44- (0)- 131- 651- 3586 Email: ian.underwood@ed.ac.uk
Franky So NC State University Department of Materials Science & Eng 911 Partners Way Raleigh, NC, 27695-7907 Email: fso@ncsu.edu
Ion Bita Apple Inc. Email: ibita@apple.com
Alan Sobel Flatscreen Technologies Corporation 633 Michigan Ave Evanston, IL 60202-2552, USA Tel: +1-847-869-5607 Email: as1285@columbia.edu
Ji Ma Microsoft Corp. One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 Tel:+1-425-706-0751 Email: jma2@kent.edu
Ian Underwood School of Enigineering The University of Edinburgh Tel: + 44- (0)- 131- 651- 3586 Email: ian.underwood@ed.ac.uk
Dr. Abhishek Srivastava Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong Email: eeabhishek@ust.hk
tien-lung chiu yuan ze university email: tlchiu@saturn.yzu.edu.tw
Enguo Chen College of Physics and Information Engineering, Fuzhou University Email: egch@qq.com
Tomokazu Shiga The University of Electro-Communications Department of Engineering Science Address: 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan Tel/Fax: +81-42-443-5178 Email: shiga@ee.uec.ac.jp
Shriram Madapusi 99 Hornby Drive, . Painted Post NY – 14870 USA Email: palanthas@corning.com
Prachi Sehgal Society for Information Display 1475 S Bascom Ave, Suite 114 Campbell CA 95008, USA Tel: +1-408-879-3902 Fax: +1-408-879-3833 Email: jsidadmin@sid.org
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SID's monthly journal, JSID, publishes original works dealing with the theory and practice of electronic information displays. Coverage includes the underlying chemistry, physics, electronic engineering, device design, and modeling; physiology and psychology; measurement techniques; as well as all aspects of the interaction between equipment and its users. In addition to full length papers, reviews, overviews, letters, and book reviews are also included.
Active-Matrix Devices and Displays
Applied Vision and Human factors
Backlighting and Solid State Lighting Technologies
Display Electronics
Display Manufacturing Technologies
Display Measurements
Display Systems; Optical and Electronic
Electronic Paper and Flexible Displays
Liquid Crystal and other Non-emissive Displays
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Plasma and other Emissive Displays
Projection Displays and Systems
Please refer to the John Wiley & Sons website for subscription pricing.
2017: Dr. François Templier for GaN-based emissive microdisplays: A very promising technology for compact, ultra-high brightness display system
2016: Jae Sung Park of Visual Display Division, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd for Human visual perception-based localized backlight scaling method for high dynamic range LCDs
2015: Jyrki Kimmel of Nokia Technologies for Optical performance characterization of flexible mobile displays
2014: Shohei Katsuta,Emi Yamamoto, Yasushi Asaoka, Toru Kanno, Hideomi Yui, Yusuke Tsuda, Katsumi Kondo and Tsuyoshi Maeda of Sharp Corp for Optical design and roll-to-roll fabrication process of microstructure film for wide viewing LCDs
2013: Jong-Man Kim, Youngmin Cho, Jonghin Kim, Seung-Hyuck Lee, Kwangjoon Kim, Seung-Woo Lee of Kyung Hee University for Precise Prediction of Optical Responses of All Types of Liquid-Crystal Displays by Behavioral Models
2012: John F. Wager, Ken Hoshino, Eric S. Sundholm, Rick E. Presley, Ram Ravichandran, Christopher C. Knutson, Douglas A. Keszler, Randy L. Hoffman, Devin A. Mourey, John Robertson, for A framework for assessing amorphous oxide semiconductor thin-film transistor passivation
2011: Toshiaki Arai, Narihiro Morosawa,Kazuhiko Tokunaga, Yasuhiro Terai, Eri Fukumoto, Takashige Fujimori and Tatsuya Sasaoka, for Highly reliable oxide-semiconductor TFT for AMOLED displays
2010:Te-Yu Lee, Chrong Jung Lin andYa-Chin King, for High-uniformity 2T1C AMOLED panels by a built-in trimming method
Generously sponsored by LG Display
2017: Mr. Hao Chen for Quantum dot light emitting devices for photomedical applications
2017: Ms. Juan He for Quantum dot light emitting devices for photomedical applications
2016: Ruidong Zhu of College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida forHigh-ambient-contrast augmented reality with a tunable transmittance liquid crystal film and a functional reflective polarizer
2015: Simone Hoeckh, Annette Frederiksen, Sylvain Renault, Klaus Hopf, Michael Gilowski, Martin Schell for Exploring crosstalk perception for stereoscopic 3D head-up displays in a crosstalk Simulator
2014: Jing Wang,Saijun Huang,Chaoping Cheng, Yikai Su, Zhicheng Ye, Jiangang Lu, Gufeng He, Xindong Shi, Xinkai Wu and Jun Liu of Shanghai Jiao Tong University for High-efficiency organic light-emitting diodes based on the gradient doping and nonlinear cross-fading doping in transporting layers