Texas Chapter
Past Presentations

February 12, 2015

Nanotechnology and Display Applications

Speaker:Zvi Yaniv
Applied Nanotech, Inc.


Presentation in PDF format: [click here]

July 18, 2013

Flexible Printed Electronic Technology for Touch Sensors

Speaker: Robert Berg
Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing
UniPixel Display, Inc.

Abstract: UniPixel provides an overview of the UniBoss™ printed metal mesh technology describing the performance benefits of improved response time, optical clarity, reliability, and cost compared to traditional ITO based projected capacitive touch sensors targeted for the consumer and commercial electronic products markets.

Presentation in PDF format: [click here]


Nov 21, 2011
ONLINE Presentation 

Advances in Phosphorescent OLED Lighting Technology

Speaker: Dr. Michael Hack
General Manager of OLED Lighting & Custom Displays
Universal Display Corporation

Abstract: The global lighting industry is going through a major transformation. Incandescent lamps are being banned and being phased out worldwide because of their environmental impact, while the other incumbent lighting option, namely compact fluorescent lamps, has limited visual appeal and mercury content.

Remarkable progress has been made over the last few years, with small area phosphorescent OLED devices now exceeding luminous efficacies of 100 lm/W. OLEDs can provide energy efficient, high quality, thin form factor lighting which is visually extremely pleasing, and represents a true paradigm shift as it is not based around hot point source lamps, but rather on large area diffuse light panels which are cool to touch. An additional benefit of OLED lighting is that panels can be made transparent, flexible and can have color or color temperature tunability, offering novel forms of lighting options to designers. This seminar will provide an overview of the technology of phosphorescent OLED lighting, and summarize with a review of recent product performance status and trends. The infrastructure for OLED technology commercialization began through the display industry more than a decade ago. We will review the similarities and differences between OLED displays and OLED lighting to assess the suitability of available building block technologies for meeting performance/cost requirements of the lighting market.

 Oct 31, 2011
Quantum Dots for Displays and Lighting
(pdf: 5 MB)

Seth Coe-Sullivan
Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer

 Oct 17, 2011
Prospects for Emerging e-Paper Technologies, and a New Breakthrough in Electrofluidic Displays


Speaker: Jason Heikenfeld
Assoc. Professor & Director, Novel Devices Laboratory
School of Electronic and Computing Systems
University of Cincinnati


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