○ Motivation
East Asia is the core region for the display industry and research. However, the technology exchange between the academy and industry has been carried out by professional research groups, not by the semi-professional or student research group. The SID Yonsei Student Branch is aimed to offer a varied program including company promotion, workshop, and seminar to the students. Our branch aspires to be the perfect link between students and professionals.

○ Location of domestic FPD cluster and Yonsei University
Samsung display and LG display are leading companies in display industry, and these companies are based on Korea. Yonsei student branch located at Seoul has many advantages of easiness to associate with advanced display companies.

○ Overview
Yonsei SB pursues the extensive and voluntary exchange in world wide display area by only students. Yonsei SB will contribute the cultivation of knowledge and enhancement of exchange through the annual SB meeting of display area. We are counting 39 members who research on diverse display technology and all of students are SID student member. (As of Oct. 2013)

○ Activities
- Mentoring program
Yonsei Student Branch held mentoring program for undergraduate student biweekly. It contribute to improve scientific knowledge and trigger interests on display technology for students.
- Visiting & exchanging student program
Yonsei Student Branch support visiting and exchanging student program. It provides the chance to interchange with other fields knowledge and share “know-how” in experiment.

- OLED and Display day
Yonsei Student Branch hold ‘Display day’ in Yonsei University annually. Funding offered by SID chapter is used to provide some refreshments for visitors. The interest on Yonsei Studuent Branch can be increased by this event, and we recruit students who interested in display technologies as SID member.