Mid-Europe Chapter


SID-MEC Spring 2025 Online Talk "Holography in Displays"
Save the Date: 
April 14 2025

The Mid-Europe Chapter of the Society for Information Display (SID-MEC) invites you to its online conference in April 2025. Under the title "Holography in Displays" experts from the display industry and research institutions will discuss current developments and challenges. The event will take place online on April 14 2025, from 3 to 5 p.m. CEST and offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

The meeting will focus on holographic approaches in displays, highlighting topics such as materials science, backplane and frontplane technology, optics and system integration, manufacturing, and applications.

Keynote presentations will be delivered by renowned experts:

Xavier Bonjour (MICROOLED, Marketing & Partnerships Director):
Bonjour has over 25 years of experience in consumer electronics technologies, having previously held several senior executive positions with Technicolor, LG, and Philips, and has served as a board member at Movea, a start-up focusing on motion-sensing data fusion, (successfully sold to TDK). Prior to MicroOLED, Xavier was the Founder and CEO of 3D Sound Labs, a startup company that launched the first 3D audio headphones and provided other personalized audio solutions to the VR/AR market. Bonjour holds a Master of Science degree in digital technology from Heriot-Watt University, and a Master of Engineering from ESIEE. He also graduated from the Entrepreneurship Program at ESCP.

“POPULAR EU Project: holographic mirrors for Light AR Glasses”

  • MicroOLED, a leading provider of micro-displays, heading up the deployment of ActiveLook®, a proprietary “Lite AR” sports glasses technology, that provides the lowest-power heads-up display module to the eyewear industry currently on the market.
  •  « Light AR » glasses: use cases, requirements and technical challenges
  • POPULAR PROJECT presentation
  • Why holographic mirrors for « Light AR »

Ein Bild, das draußen, Person, Menschliches Gesicht, Kleidung enthält.

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Andreas Erik Gejl Madsen, PhD. (SDU Centre for Photonics Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark):
Andreas Erik Gejl Madsen is a recent industrial PhD graduate from the SDU Centre for Photonics Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark, specializing in digital holography and complex light shaping. He is currently pursuing a translational postdoc, working alongside Professor Jesper Glückstad to mature the HoloTile technology.

“HoloTile RGB: Unlocking Ultra-Fast, Speckle-Free, Multicolor CGH”

  • Single-shot, full-color holography: The HoloTile method enables high-fidelity RGB hologram reconstructions in a single shot — no temporal averaging required — making it perfect for real-time applications like AR/VR and dynamic displays.
  • Ultra-fast computation and real-time video playback: By leveraging sub-hologram tiling and point spread function shaping, HoloTile achieves over 100x speed improvements in hologram generation, allowing live, high-contrast video CGH.
  • Versatility and future applications: The technology is adaptable to any wavelength combination, unlocking new possibilities for bio-photonics, optical communication, and even volumetric additive manufacturing with multi-wavelength control.

Ein Bild, das Menschliches Gesicht, Person, Kleidung, Porträt enthält.

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Hagen Stolle (HOLOEYE Photonics AG):

Hagen Stolle holds a MS Degree in Industrial Engineering. His background is in technology development and manufacturing. He was CTO of SeeReal Technologies, leading holographic 3D display development for projection and flat panel applications. Currently he is working in Holoeye Photonics' microdisplay development team.

Ein Bild, das Menschliches Gesicht, Person, Kleidung, Porträtbild enthält.

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Dr. Peter Dürr (Fraunhofer IPMS, Senior Scientist)

Peter Duerr studied Physics at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany and got his degree in theoretical physics. At Karlsruhe University he also did his PhD in the field of photon statistics of thermal light. In 1997 he joined Fraunhofer IPMS in Dresden, Germany, to develop micro-mechanical inertial sensors. Since mid-1998 he has managed many projects of research on and development of micro-mechanical spatial light modulators at the same institute. The key features of Fraunhofer IPMS micro-mirror arrays are a precise analogue control of each pixel's deflection (piston and/or tilt, not only binary) and a wide range of operation wavelengths. Typical applications include very high resolution DUV micro-lithography for mask-making or direct writing, adaptive optics, wavefront control and holography.

“Developments in spatial light modulator technologies for real holographic applications”

  • LCOS for holographic applications
  • EU funded project REALHOLO
  • SLM with 8 Mio. mechanical phase-modulating pixels

The conference will provide space for discussions and interaction between speakers and participants and is aimed at scientists, students, and industry stakeholders.


SID-MEC On-site Meeting 2025 – Save-the-date: November 3 - 4 2025

Emissive Displays: OLED, microLED, and beyond - Technology, devices, markets”

The SID-MEC invites you to the autumn meeting in person on November 3-4, 2025, in Göttingen/Germany. The host is the Coherent Corp.

  • Evening event on Nov 3
  • Coherent lab tour Nov 4
  • SID-ME Student Award
  • Exhibition and Sponsoring available
  • Display Technology and Application Training Nov 5 (organized by SID France Chapter)



The SID-MEC is the Mid-European branch of the Society for Information Display (SID). Founded in 1962, SID is one of the largest associations of scientists, developers, and companies in the field of electronic and information displays worldwide. Embedded in SID, the SID-MEC acts as a Mid-European branch covering a wide geographical spectrum from Eastern to Western Europe. With a primary focus on displays, the association's forward-looking work encompasses all devices that enable image display, such as smartphone displays, projectors, AR/VR smart glasses, televisions, or display devices in automation technology. The SID-MEC is organized by four board members.

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Past events


SID-MEC Autumn 2024 Online Talk - Nov 26, 2024. 

"Recent Applications of Display Technology."

 View Part 1  here

 View Part 2  here

The Mid-Europe Chapter of the Society for Information Display (SID-MEC) has carried out its second online conference in 2024.

Keynote presentations were delivered by renowned experts:

Maxime Compagnon (BMW Motorrad, Expert display systems and concepts)
"General developments of display systems for motorcycles"

Ivan Martinovic (Polar Light Technologies, Co-Founder and COO,
"µLED for high-brightness (micro-)displays for future HUD & HMD applications"

Martin Plutz (oculavisGmbH, Founder and Managing Director)
"The truth of AR in service & maintenance. 10 years of insights into our journey from Fraunhofer spin-off to scale-up company


SID-MEC Summer 2024 Online Talk - July 11, 2024








Aspects of Near-Eye Display for XR Applications
Speakers: Peter Ostertag, Ivo Vieira, Lusovu & Roberts Zabels
SID-MEC is the Central European branch of the Society for Information Display (SID). It covers most European countries from Eastern Europe (e.g., Latvia) to Western Europe (e.g., Portugal), yet Southern and Northern Europe too (except those European countries with own regional chapters, such as France and UK/Ireland). SID is the worldwide largest association of scientists, developers, and companies in the electronic and information display domain. Displays include any device that enables image display, such as smartphone displays, projectors, AR/VR smart glasses, televisions, or display devices in automation technology. The conferences, which are held regularly, present the current scientific state of the art concerning displays. Topics range from material science, interfaces and manufacturing to applications of displays. The focus of the summer online meeting is on AR/VR applications with mobile devices such as smart glasses. There will be emphasis on exchange and interaction amongst speakers and participants. 
SID-ME Spring 2024 Online Seminar + Q&A session
Date & time: April 22nd, 2024 at 16:00-17:30 CEST
Topic: "New materials for film optics and game changing AR/VR optical component"
Abstract: The rapid advancement of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) headsets has increased the demand for materials specifically designed for optical components used these devices esp. regarding improving the optical performance, realizing a small  form factor and having low weight.  This presentation  discusses the challenges and current status of new liquid crystal based materials developed for AR/VR applications, including both passive and active components.
Speaker: Michael Wittek, PhD, Merck Electronics
Medium: MS Teams

EuroDisplay 2022 

September 21st to September 23rd 2022 | Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Germany

EuroDisplay 2019

September 16-20, 2019 | Marriott Hotel, Minsk, Belarus
More information on : https://eurodisplay2019.bsuir.by/
For a report, see our Newsletter number 41.

SID-ME Chapter Spring/Summer Meeting 2019

Dates: July 3-4, 2019
Venue: Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The General Meeting and Officer Election took place during this meeting.

SID-ME Chapter Spring Meeting 2018

Dates: April 17-18, 2018
Venue: Fraunhofer IOF, Jena and Leuchtenburg, Kahla, Germany
The General Meeting and Officer Election took place during this meeting.

EuroDisplay 2017

EuroDisplay was organized by the Belarus Chapter in co-operation with the Institute of Physics (IOP), from October 31st to November 2nd
Venue: Hotel Meliá, Berlin, Germany

SID-ME Spring Meeting 2017

13-14 March, 2017, Dresden, Germany.


  • Near-to-eye projection, smart glasses, smart contact lenses; augmented / virtual reality
  • Personal and professional wearable display applications)
  • Ergonomics
  • Training/Education

More details and Program on the Website

The General Meeting and Officer Election took place during this meeting.

SID-ME Fall Meeting 2016

3-4 November, 2017, Berlin, Germany.
Venue: Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute)

Meeting ran from noon to noon, with an optional guided visit to HHI Timelab on the 2nd afternoon.


Special topics:

  • 3-D and virtual/augmented reality
  • High-end display applications (incl. ruggedized, automotive, medical)
  • Quantum dots and lighting


Eurodisplay 2015

September 21-23, 2015
Ghent, Belgium

Generic EuroDisplay portal: sideurodisplay.org

Direct link to the '15 edition: EuroDisplay.ugent.be

During this conference, the SID-ME General Meeting and Officer Election took place, as well as the Student Award ceremony.

The EuroDisplay 2015 proceedings are available to all logged in SID members as a special issue of the SID Digest.

Some contributions are available as a peer reviewed full paper version in JSID. A virtual issue 'EuroDisplay 2015' is available on Wiley online.

SID-ME Fall 2014 Meeting

October 9-10, 2014


Organized by Stuttgart University, Germany.

Special topics:
  • Active matrix technologies
  • Flexible displays
  • Process technologies for large area microelectronics

See Newsletter 33 for a report of this Meeting

SID-ME Spring 2014 Meeting

April 7-8, 2014


Organized by Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, in the SEED Event Center at the Sakip Sabanci Museum, overlooking the Bosporus.

Special topics:
  • OLED displays and applications
  • Graphene and other novel materials in display applications
  • Flexible electronics and displays

During this meeting, the SID-ME General Meeting and Officer Election took place, as well as the Student Award ceremony.

See our newsletters for older events

Number 41 October 2019 Number 20 May 2006
Number 40 December 2018 Number 19 October 2005
Number 39 March 2018 Number 18 May 2005
Number 38 August 2017 Number 17 December 2004
Number 37 January 2017 Number 16 May 2004
Number 36 August 2016 Number 15 March 2004
Number 34-35 April 2016 Number 14 March 2003
Number 33 April 2015 Number 13 September 2002
Number 32 April 2014 Number 12 December 2001
Number 31 October 2013 Number 11 May 2001
Number 30 August 2013 Number 10 December 2000
Number 29 October 2012 Number 9 April 2000
Number 26-27 September 2011 Number 8 January 2000
Number 25 September 2009 Number 7 June 1999
Number 24 December 2008 Number 6 January 1999
Number 23 February 2008    
Number 22 April 2007    
Number 21 November 2006    
Dr. Uwe Vogel  

Fraunhofer IPMS, Dresden, Germany



Dr. Mark Goebel

Merck Electronics KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany   





Prof. Dr. Rigo Herold

Westsächsische Hochschule, Zwickau, Germany


Dr. Yohan Kim

Fraunhofer IAP, Potsdam, Germany

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